Elearning Yard

How a Penny War Fundraiser Works

March 26, 2024

Prepare for battle! It’s time to unleash your inner coin collector and learn how you can join the fun and raise money in a Penny War fundraiser. Penny wars are a fun and engaging fundraising activity that turns loose change into a friendly competition. Participants are divided into teams and compete to collect the most points by gathering the most pennies. The twist is that while pennies add points, other denominations deduct points from your opponent’s total! This strategic element makes penny wars unique and exciting, as well as how a penny war fundraiser works. Despite being a fun and engaging competition, Penny Wars offers a unique fundraising technique that incentivizes donations while fostering friendly competition through a strategic point system that rewards penny collection and discourages higher-value coin donations.

Basic Rundown of How a Penny War Fundraiser Works

organizer discussing about penny war fundraising


The organizers determine the duration and rules of the Penny War. Usually, it lasts for a set period, such as a week or a month. Each participating group is assigned a container, such as a jar or a bucket, to collect their donations. So, are you ready to unleash your competitive spirit and see which team can collect the most change?

Donation System

Participants can donate coins or bills to their group’s container. The twist is that each coin has a different point value assigned to it. For example, pennies may be worth 1 point, while silver coins (nickels, dimes, quarters) have negative point values. For instance, a nickel could be worth 5 points, a dime 10 points, and a quarter 25 points. The goal is to accumulate the highest positive score. This seemingly simple game injects chaos and strategy into fundraising, making every contribution a gamble.


people donating coin in a container

Different groups or teams compete against each other to collect the most positive points in their containers. Participants can strategically place silver coins (with negative point values) into competing groups’ containers to reduce their points. This creates a dynamic environment where offense and defense are crucial for success.


The organizers establish specific rules to ensure fairness and prevent tampering. For instance, there might be restrictions on when and where participants can place coins in containers or limitations on the types of coins that can be used. Doing this ensures the competition’s integrity and fair play are guaranteed.

Tracking and Updates

Each group’s progress is usually tracked on a scoreboard or through regular announcements. This helps create excitement and motivates participants to donate more to boost their group’s score. Ultimately, this system fosters a fun and competitive environment, increasing donations for the cause.

Winner and Prize

At the end of the Penny War, the group with the highest positive score (the most pennies) is declared the winner. They may receive a prize or recognition for their achievement. However, it’s important to note that the true purpose of the fundraiser is to raise money for a cause, so all participants contribute to the overall goal of supporting a charity or cause.


Don’t be fooled by the seemingly innocent act of collecting pennies! This fundraising activity transforms the humble cent into a powerful tool for competition and charity. Players engage in a frantic race, desperately gathering pennies while strategically hindering their opponents with more valuable coins and bills. This creates a dynamic where quick thinking and playful sabotage come into play. While the ultimate goal is to emerge victorious with the most pennies, the valid reward comes from contributing to a worthy cause. This simple yet clever fundraising concept offers a delightful way to foster friendly competition and raise significant funds, proving that even minor contributions can make a big difference.

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