Elearning Yard

Fun Book Fair Activities for Students

March 27, 2024

Beware! Book Fair Fever is Contagious—prepare for Fun and Literary Excitement! The annual fun book fair activities for students are a magical event. Rows upon rows of new and exciting stories are waiting to be discovered! But beyond just browsing and buying, the book fair can be a springboard for creativity, exploration, and even friendly competition. This article dives into various fun and engaging activities that will bring the book fair to life for students of all ages.

Embark on a Quest to Find Your Next Read

students searching for books in a book fair

Genre Gauntlet: Let’s ditch the comfort zone! Encourage students to embark on a “Genre Gauntlet”, where they must find a book in a genre they’ve never explored. Is it a heart-pounding mystery that keeps them guessing? Or a captivating historical fiction tale that transports them to another time? This activity helps students discover new interests and broaden their literary horizons.

Author All-Stars: Authors are the rockstars of the book world! Have students research their favorite authors and create a presentation to share with the class. By researching and presenting their favourite authors, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the creative minds behind the stories they love, proving that authors are the rockstars of the book world.

Costume Capers: The book fair is perfect for unleashing your inner bookworm. Encourage students to dress up as their favourite book characters. This adds a fun visual element to the fair and fosters discussion about the characters and stories students love. For an extra twist, hold a contest for the best costume, judged by creativity and effort.’

Blind Date with a Book: Love is blind; sometimes reading can be too! Wrap up some books so the covers are hidden, leaving only the blurb or first page peeking out. Students can then choose a “mystery book” at random. This lighthearted activity sparks curiosity and encourages students to step outside their comfort zone when selecting books.

More than Just Buying Books: Fun Activities for the Whole Fair

students setting up a table to write a book in a book fair event

Bookmark Bonanza: Bookmarks are a must-have for any reader, and the book fair provides the perfect opportunity to personalize them. Hold a “Design Your Own Bookmark” contest! Students can submit their artwork, and the winning design can be printed and distributed at the fair.

Food and Drinks: Many book fairs have a variety of food and drink vendors. This is a great way to take a break from browsing books and enjoy a delicious meal or snack. So, whether you’re a literary gourmand or need a pick-me-up, explore the food options at your next book fair. It’s the perfect way to fuel your bookish adventures!

Story Chain Reaction: Let’s get creative! Set up a table with paper and writing utensils. The first student writes the opening sentence of a story. The following student continues the story, adding a few sentences before folding the paper to hide their contribution. This chain reaction continues, leaving a suspenseful and collaborative story waiting to be revealed at the end of the fair.

Clues and Titles: Test your students’ literary knowledge with a “Guess the Book Title” game. Create a series of cryptic clues drawn from famous books. The first student to correctly guess the book title based on the clue wins a prize. Depending on the grade level, this activity can be adapted for different age groups with more accessible or challenging clues.

Book Fair Scavenger Hunt: Turn the book fair into a fun scavenger hunt! Create a list of specific items for students to find, like a book with a blue cover, a book with the word “adventure” in the title, or a book with a publication date before 2000. This activity encourages students to thoroughly explore the book fair and discover hidden gems they might have missed.


Many book fairs have volunteers who are passionate about books. Encourage your students to chat with a volunteer and ask them for recommendations. They might have some hidden favorites or exciting insights to share.

By implementing these fun book fair activities for students, your students will see the book fair as more than just a place to buy books. It becomes a vibrant space for discovery, creativity, and a shared love of literature. So, get ready to unleash the inner bookworm in your students and make the next book fair a truly unforgettable experience!

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