Elearning Yard

Enjoyable and Helpful Work Survival Kit

March 27, 2024

The first-day jitters, the pressure to impress, and the never-ending quest for that elusive work-life balance—no matter how seasoned you are, navigating the professional world can throw its fair share of curveballs. That’s where your enjoyable and helpful work survival kit comes in—a customized arsenal of tools to equip you for both the mundane and the magnificent in your work life.

But forget the dusty old first-aid kit in the back of the closet. This survival kit goes beyond bandages and antiseptic wipes. We’re talking about a dynamic collection of physical items, mental strategies, and a dash of fun to keep you thriving, not just surviving, at your new job.

Fueling Your Focus

a job survival kit of almonds, fresh fruit and water bottle

The Hunger Games (Office Edition): Ditch the sugary vending machine treats.

  • Pack healthy snacks that provide sustained energy. Consider trail mix, almonds, yogurt, or fresh fruit. Keep a stash in your desk drawer or a reusable container in your bag for those inevitable afternoon slumps.

Hydration Hero: Brain fog? Energy dip? It could be dehydration. Invest in a cool, reusable water bottle and make it your companion. Aim for eight glasses daily to keep your mind sharp and your body functioning optimally.

Body and Mind in Balance

Be Prepared for Anything: Accidents happen, even minor ones. A compact first-aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers will ensure you’re ready for anything from a paper cut to a surprise headache.

Stress Less, Achieve More: Feeling overwhelmed? Pack a mini stress ball or a fidget toy. Squeezing, clicking, or fiddling can release tension and help you refocus.

Positivity Power: Self-doubt creeping in? Keep a note with a positive affirmation like “I am capable” or “I am worthy” on your desk or computer monitor. Reading it throughout the day can give you a much-needed confidence boost.

The Fun Factor

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Feeling the Pressure? Keep a few funny photos of loved ones, pets, or those hilarious work memes you secretly love on your desk. A quick glance can be a guaranteed mood-lifter.

Wisdom on the Walls: Surround yourself with inspiration. Print quotes from people you admire or motivational phrases that resonate with you and hang them in your workspace.

Beyond the Essentials

An adult coloring books and crayons

Deck of De-Stressing: Feeling the afternoon slump? A deck of cards can be a lifesaver. Take a quick break with a co-worker for a Go Fish or Solitaire game to refresh your mind and spark some friendly competition.

Puzzling Your Way Through: Mini puzzle books like Sudoku or crosswords can be a great way to take your mind off work for a few minutes and return feeling mentally recharged.

Adult Coloring Craze: Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore! Adult coloring books and crayons are surprisingly effective ways to relieve stress and unleash your creativity.

Friendship Bracelet Frenzy: Want to bond with your new colleagues? Break the ice with a fun activity like making friendship bracelets. You might create some lasting friendships in the process!


Don’t be afraid to personalize it with things that truly resonate with you. It could be a lucky charm, a mini essential oil diffuser, or a portable speaker for mood-boosting tunes. The key is curating a collection that speaks to your needs and helps you feel your best at work.

With some planning and creativity, your enjoyable and helpful work survival kit can be your secret weapon for conquering the cubicle, navigating office politics, and leaving a lasting impression on your new professional adventure.

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Buy Now: Click this link to buy our Job Survival Kit flyer

Job Survival Kit flyer
Posted in Design, Uncategorized
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