Elearning Yard

Cinnamon Rolls for Fun and Fundraising

March 27, 2024

Cinnamon rolls – those warm, gooey spirals of dough glazed to perfection – are more than just a breakfast treat. They’re a fundraising powerhouse waiting to be unleashed! With the help of this fundraising plan and your enthusiasm for these delicious pastries, you can turn your Cinnamon Rolls for fun and fundraising endeavors into a success. We’ll provide you with a roadmap to plan your event, brainstorm engaging activities, and create a truly unforgettable experience for your participants. So, get ready to ditch the bake sale and embrace the irresistible rise of the cinnamon roll fundraiser!

The Sweet Setup: Planning Your Fundraiser

people making cinnamon rolls in a local park

The Cause:  Firstly, identify your cause. Are you raising money for a school club, a local charity, or a personal project? This will help determine your target audience and overall fundraising goals.

Dates & Times:  Weekends are generally a good bet, especially mornings or afternoons when people are craving sweet treats. Consider scheduling your fundraiser near holidays like National Cinnamon Roll Day (May 1st) for extra buzz.

Location, Location, Location: Consider a space with easy access and good foot traffic. Options include school cafeterias, local parks (with proper permits), community centers, or even renting a storefront for the day.

The Roll Call:  Decide on your cinnamon roll strategy. Will you bake them, partner with a local bakery, or use pre-made dough? Consider your time constraints, baking expertise, and budget.

Activities and Themes

bingo cards with squares containing Cinnamon roll-related words

Let’s get to the fun part – injecting your fundraiser with personality! Here are some ideas:

The Swirl to Victory: Turn your event into a friendly competition.

  • Invite participants to bake their most creative or traditional cinnamon rolls.
  • Have local celebrities, bakers, or even the community vote for winners in categories like “Most Creative,” “Most Traditional,” or “People’s Choice.”

Frosted Frenzy:  Set up a “Guess the Glaze” booth. Blindfold participants and have them taste different flavored glazes (maple, chocolate, cream cheese). Whoever correctly guesses the most flavors wins a prize.

Relay Race to the Rolls: Get the crowd moving with a cinnamon roll relay race. Divide participants into teams and have them compete in a relay where they:

  • Frost a pre-made cinnamon roll
  • Decorate it with toppings
  • Run to the finish line and enjoy it!

Decorating Extravaganza: 

  • Provide pre-purchased cinnamon rolls and various toppings (sprinkles, chopped nuts, fruits, and frosting colours).
  • Let attendees unleash their inner artist and decorate their rolls.
  • Hold a contest for the most creative or aesthetically pleasing design.

Fortune Cookie Fun:  Bake bite-sized cinnamon rolls and hide funny or inspirational messages inside before frosting. Sell them as “cinnamon roll fortune cookies” and let people enjoy the surprise message with their treat.

Cinnamon Roll Bingo:  Create bingo cards with squares containing Cinnamon roll-related words (“icing,” “swirl,” “oven”). Call out these words, and players mark off the squares. The first to get a bingo line or full card wins a prize.

The Sweet Smell of Success: Extra Tips

people in a photo booth with oversized cinnamon roll cutouts

Music is Magic: Play upbeat music throughout the event to create a lively and inviting atmosphere. With upbeat music setting the mood, your event will surely be a lively and unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Memories in the Making: Set up a fun photo booth with oversized cinnamon roll cutouts, chef hats, or other props for people to take pictures and share on social media. This photo booth is guaranteed to be the most gram-worthy spot at your event.

Wearable Fundraising: Offer “cinnamon roll swag” like t-shirts, tote bags, or buttons featuring a catchy slogan or design. This will raise additional funds and create walking advertisements for your cause.

Spread the Word: Promote your event through social media, local newspapers, flyers posted in community centers, and even school announcements, if applicable. Don’t forget to create eye-catching posters featuring mouthwatering pictures of cinnamon rolls.

Embrace the Sweetness: Most importantly, have fun! Your enthusiasm will be contagious and draw people in.


Cinnamon rolls are the ideal venue for a successful and enjoyable fundraising event. Your fundraiser can create delectable memories for all attendees while raising funds for your charity with a bit of forethought, ingenuity, and sweetness. Now start baking those cinnamon rolls, and prepare to see your fundraising endeavors take off like a flawless dough swirl!

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Buy Now: Click this link to buy our Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser flyer

Cinnamon Roll fundraiser flyer
Posted in Design, Uncategorized
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